
Which language?

What you should know…

Before making a commission request I'll need some information:

  • Characters involved
  • What the characters are doing
  • Which background
  • Some reference pictures
Elaborate all the information as much as you think is necessary. When the artwork is finished, I’ll post the artwork unless you ask for kept it in private. I'll also include your nickname in the description although I could refer to you as "Anonymous" if you prefer.

I'll ask you to approve the sketch before I finish the picture. I also ask for payment after the sketch is approved. There will be no written transfer of rights to you. I will own all rights to the image created. You're still free to do whatever you'd like with the image but if you want to use it as a means of marketing and promotion or anything where you’ll be making money from it, please ask me about it and we can discuss it.

If you didn't already know , clean-up, original character, fan art or whatever, it doesn't matter to me ^.^

I'd prefer that you contact me through e-mail for commissions request.

Stuff I won't do:

  • Hentai
  • Gore


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Clip Studio

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3DS Max

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Qu'est que ta besoin de savoir…

Avant de realiser une demande, je besoin quelques informations :

  • Personnages impliques
  • Qu'est que fait les personnages
  • Quel decor
  • Quelques images de référence
Ajoute toute l'information que tu crois necessaire. Un fois le design sois terminé, je vous demande si tu veousx que fais la publication ou le mantenir en privé. I'll also include your nickname in the description although I could refer to you as "Anonymous" if you prefer.

I'll ask you to approve the sketch before I finish the picture. I also ask for payment after the sketch is approved. There will be no written transfer of rights to you. I will own all rights to the image created. You're still free to do whatever you'd like with the image but if you want to use it as a means of marketing and promotion or anything where you’ll be making money from it, please ask me about it and we can discuss it.

Si tu savais pas: clean-up, personnages originals, fan art ou autre, ça me deronge pas. ^.^

Je préfére de la comunnication par mail.

Des chouses que je fait pas:

  • Hentai
  • Gore


Generic placeholder image


Generic placeholder image


Generic placeholder image

Clip Studio

Generic placeholder image


Generic placeholder image

3DS Max

Generic placeholder image


Qué debes saber…

Antes de realizar cualquier demanda, necesitaré:

  • Personajes involucrados
  • Qué hacen estos personajes
  • Qué fondo
  • Algunas imagenes de referencia
Elabora toda la información que creas necesaria. Cuando un trabajo este acabado, lo publicaré en mis redes sociales aunque si lo deseas puedo mantenerlo en privado. También incluiré tu apodo en la descripción, aunque puedo referirme a ti como "Anonimo".

Primero muestro un boceto del trabajo para que sea validado y después pregunto por el pago. No habrá derechos escritos hacia ti, yo sere quien posea todos los derechos de autor. Eres libre de hacer lo que desees con el dibujo pero si es para publicidad o marketing, preguntame primero y lo discutiremos.

Si aún no lo sabías, delinear, personajes originales, fan art u otras cosas, no hay problema. ^.^

Prefiero que se me contacte via email.

Cosas que NO realizo:

  • Hentai
  • Gore


Generic placeholder image


Generic placeholder image


Generic placeholder image

Clip Studio

Generic placeholder image


Generic placeholder image

3DS Max

Generic placeholder image



Some works.


Method that you can contact me.